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Education & Consulting

The social media marketing world is one of the newest and fastest-developing careers. It can be hard to jump in or keep up. We offer a variety of services to get you and your team on board!

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Social Media Audits

We audit your performance in your target social media platforms and let you know your strengths and weaknesses, so that you can focus on strategies customized for your needs.


Social Media Consulting

We have periodic check-ins with your team in order to keep track of your performance and consult on your strategies for the future.

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Social Strategy Education

We host educational sessions or workshops to educate you or your team on the ins and outs of social media marketing. Included but not limited to: basics, algorithms, strategies, SEO, content creation, and more...


Digital Partnership Education

Helping you understand how digital partnerships work, different kinds of digital partnerships and strategies that go into them.

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